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 Politics Archive 2016

Jill Stein dissed Hillary Clinton on the Twitter
by Nathan'ette Burdine: December 18, 2016

Folks on the Twitter don’t like it that Jill Stein (Jilly Not Too Chill) is dissing Hillary Clinton (The Hills).

Soon after The Hills’ team joined Jilly Not Too Chill on the recount effort, Jilly Not Too Chill took to the Twitter to question the goodness within The Hills’ heart.

Jilly Not Too Chill tweeted, “Why would Hillary Clinton-who conceded the election to Donald Trump-want #Recount2016? You cannot be on-again, off-again about democracy.”

Welp, that tweet didn’t go over too well with The Hills’ fans. Shawn a told Jilly Not Too Chill that she was messing up the good she was doing and that she needed to “shut it!”

Mr. Lawless questioned if she was praying that she really won the election, while Rob Sheridan said Jilly Not Too Chill loves attention so that she “would cross the street just to step in dog shit.”

Although it’s not “dog shit,” Jilly Not Too Chill hating on The Hills has definitely gotten her into some political shit that has left people from both sides of the aisle questioning her true motives.

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